In this music video called 'Dead Leaves on the Dirty Ground" by The White Stripes, images are projected onto the walls and objects in the house. As far as I am aware the images are projected onto film, a technique used by Michel Gondry, who directed the video.
In researching projection and 3D projection techniques, I came across a video on youtube of a prototype for an interactive 360° Light Field Display. It looks similar to the projections used in Star Wars movies and has been developed by the USC Institute for Creative Technologies. It even has an interactive element whereby the user can tilt and rotate the projected 3d image in real-time. Check it out:
Inspired by the Shirt Loop video on youtube by Troika Ranch, I set about creating the video effect myself. I used Max/MSP/Jitter made by Cycling 74' to create the effect, which I have used throughout my undergraduate degree. After visualising the basics of how the code would look, I created it in Max. It took approximately 2 hours to create and tweak the code until the effect looked as close to the effect used by Troika Ranch as I could get. I have posted the video demo of the effect I created on youtube for all to see:
Johnny Lee has posted the following video on youtube of software he designed which uses a Nintendo Wii controller as a head tracking sensor. It looks amazing when you see it in action, so I thought I would share the video on my blog.
For my Performance Technologies module, I have been researching existing music/art/dance performances which use technology in interesting ways. Most of my research so far, has been conducted on The video which has interested me the most was a video called 'Shirt Loop' by the Troika Dance group. It has taken a very simple video effect and applied it to an action we perform everyday - taking off our t-shirt. The video is embedded below along with the URL if the video doesn't load:
I am a Creative Technologies MA student at the IOCT as part of De Montfort University in Leicester.
I will be posting information including photographs and videos of my work, if anyone has any comments or queries about projects or have any suggestions on further projects, I welcome any feedback.